RADA – Poor Management of Farm Road Rehabilitation Programme

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Auditor General's Findings

In 2015, the Rural Agricultural Development Authority became the implementing agency for the Farm Road Rehabilitation Programme (FRRP), according to the Auditor General’s Performance Report on the RADA’s Management of Farm Roads (October 2019).

Despite 5 years of responsibility for the programme RADA could not readily distinguish between their farm roads and the parochial roads that are managed by municipal corporations. Given that the farm road rehabilitation programme is extended to surrounding communities comprising parochial roads, the Auditor General expected that RADA would have established criteria to distinguish farm roads from parochial roads to prevent overlap with municipal corporations.

Despite developing a priority list for rehabilitation, RADA also could not identify which of the criteria the roads on the list satisfied, and the Auditor General was unable to determine whether the stated criteria were utilised in determining the works projects. This raises doubts regarding the transparency of the selection process.

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Permanent Secretary (current): Dermon Spence

Breach Category: Project Management

Permanent Secretary (at breach):

Breach Type: Inadequate Project Monitoring

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