MLSS – Spent $18.7 Million to Purchase 469 Assistive Aids, Only 50 Recipients in Receipt

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Auditor General's Findings

The Auditor General’s 2018/2019 Annual Report noted that procurement of goods and services under the Integrated Support to Jamaica’s Social Protection Strategy (ISJSPS) Project – implemented by the Ministry of Labour & Social Security – was not robust during the implementation of the Project.

At the Project’s closure in August 2018, only 9 per cent of the targeted 550 children with disabilities received assistive aids.

Up to the time of completion of the AuGD report, MLSS had only provided evidence that 50 recipients received assistive aids.

Responsive image

Permanent Secretary (current): Colette Roberts-Risden

Breach Category: Resource Management

Permanent Secretary (at breach): Colette Roberts-Risden

Breach Type: Unrecorded Assets

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3 years ago

Is this matter now resolved? A committee like the PAC should call the ministry in to give an update.

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