MLSS – $172.12 Million Unspent and Unaccounted for

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Auditor General's Findings

The Auditor General in the Department’s F/Y 2018/2019 Annual Report found that the Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH) did not surrender monies unspent by the Project to the Consolidated Fund, as required by law. In a previous audit report, PATH was advised that at the end of all projects, the unspent cash balance should be remitted to the Consolidated Fund. However, the Auditor General observed that as at December 2019, $172.12 million that was unspent on the Social Protection Project II (SPP II), which ended March 2018 remained in the GoJ Administrative Account.

Where monies are left in bank account after the closure of projects, the Ministry is exposed to unauthorized expenditure, which may bypass established budgetary and commitment control process. PATH subsequently advised that the amount of $172.12 million represents stale dated cheques but did not provide evidence, nor an updated bank reconciliation statement to support this claim, despite requests.

Responsive image

Permanent Secretary (current): Colette Roberts-Risden

Breach Category: Resource Management

Permanent Secretary (at breach): Colette Roberts-Risden

Breach Type: Unreconciled Bank Accounts

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