MLSS – A 2015 $3 Billion loan for PATH under-utilised for four years.

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Auditor General's Findings

According to the Auditor General Department’s 2018/2019 Annual Report, PATH signed a Loan Agreement in November 2015 to implement the Integrated Support to Jamaica’s Social Protection Strategy (ISJSPS) over a four-year period… Due to the delays in the implementation of the project activities, the International Development Bank (IDB) granted an extension to November 2020. As at March 2019, none of the seven (7) planned activities under the PATH Feeding Subsidy component were accomplished.

Though the National Social Protection Steering Committee, (NSPC) (chaired by the Planning Institute of Jamaica) charged with effectively overseeing the implementation of Social Project met quarterly, the AuGD found no evidence from a review of the minutes that there were discussions on the challenges being faced with this Project.

Additionally, a review of the minutes of the two PATH/MLSS management meetings held for the period under review, showed no evidence that management was proactive in discussing and implementing strategies relating to Component 2 of the Project – PATH Feeding Subsidy.

Responsive image

Permanent Secretary (current): Colette Roberts-Risden

Breach Category: Project Management

Permanent Secretary (at breach): Colette Roberts-Risden

Breach Type: Mismanagement of Resources

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