MOE – $21,663,190.95 overpayments to early childhood practitioners no longer in the system

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Auditor General's Findings

The Auditor General found that the Commission continued subsidy payments to early childhood practitioners who had separated from various early childhood institutions.

This resulted in overpayments totalling $21,663,190.95, of which $10,360,229.87 occurred in the current period 2014/2015. Some overpayments were from as far back as 2010. The Commission recovered $4,262,791.01 of the overpayments, between April and October 2015, and advised that steps are being taken to address weaknesses in the system.

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Permanent Secretary (current): Maureen Dwyer

Breach Category: Resource Management

Permanent Secretary (at breach):

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4 years ago

start firing people and you will get better results. thats the most effective way to get results. And, how comes parliament did not call any of the accountable officials to a meeting of the PAAC or PAC. What power do these body have. As well, the auditor general, does she have any power? I can’t believe all of this reporting and then nothing. you need to give them some charging power.

4 years ago

What has been the update on this since the last update? It is ridiculous that the Ministry has not been forthcoming with a response. I hope the process of the ATI will allow for further information to be obtained.

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