KSAMC – Outdated Parochial Road Inventory (last updated in 1992)

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Auditor General's Findings

The Auditor General’s Department Annual Report for the 2019/ 2020 Financial Year reported that its special audit of the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC), found that KSAMC obtained funding for road maintenance from proportions of property tax and motor vehicle licences, paid into the MLGRD-managed Parochial Revenue Fund (PRF). However, the Auditor General was unable to determine whether PRF allocations were properly allotted, owing to the absence of an updated parochial road inventory – the inventory was last updated in 1992.

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Permanent Secretary (current): Marsha Henry-Martin

Breach Category: Project Management

Permanent Secretary (at breach): Marsha Henry-Martin

Breach Type: Poor Inventory Management

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