Status: Lagging
Last Assessed: December 9, 2022
Year Reported: 2020
Year Resolved:
JAMP Update
Jamaica Accountability Meter Portal (JAMP) sought documentation to substantiate whether any public consultations have been held since the Auditor General made the breach known to the Municipal Corporation, or if any were planned.
On January 12, 2022 JAMP was provided with the following response:
“Reference is made to Access to Information request in which the Auditor General s Departments 2019-2020 Annual Report was mentioned as it relates to public consultation prior to the management systems for the maintenance of Parochial Roads by the St. Catherine Municipal Corporation.
The Auditor General’s Report and findings were duly noted and consideration and action would have been implemented in conjunction with the Local Government (Financing and Financial Management) Act, however, based on the Disaster Risk Management Act and protocols that were put in place due to the novel Corona virus; the Corporation was not in a position to organize or execute any public consultations.
The Corporation is, however, mindful of the breach and will be having discussions with the key stakeholders, to see how soon, a consultation of this nature can be organized (based on work being done); without endangering attendees. A we strive to coexist with this virus, we are cognizant that all Protocols, Acts, Laws and Policies must be adhered to; whilst the Corporation manages public funds.
ATI Responses
Mrs. Marsha Henry-Martin
85 Hagley Park Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica
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