SERHA – $112.7 million spent in breach of procurement guidelines

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Auditor General's Findings

SERHA did not always demonstrate the efforts made to ensure value for money spent. For example, SERHA used the direct contracting methodology to purchase 27 patient monitors for $8.7 million and two x-ray machines for $104 million.

However, the AGD saw no evidence that SERHA determined that value for money would be maximised from this methodology vis-a-vis use of the competitive tender methodology. SERHA also failed to employ competitive bidding for the renewal of contracts for four critical services, which also inhibited its ability to ensure value for money.

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Permanent Secretary (current): Dunstan Bryan

Breach Category: Procurement & Contract Management

Permanent Secretary (at breach):

Breach Type: Noncompliance with Procurement Guidelines

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4 years ago

Seems quite a bit of money spent that could have been allocated in a more prudent manner, as is being said in the report. Money already spent however and so going forward, the measures/strictures already in place have to now work and not just be a check on a list of must haves. I refuse to believe we’ve become a nation whose policy makers/elected representatives/governmental movers & shakers/stewards of coffers, SEEM to display scant regard for how they run/manage the affairs of the country. Need for greater due diligence.

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