MICAF – Food Storage and Prevention of Infestation Division conducts inadequate and insufficient inspection of businesses that store food

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Auditor General's Findings

The Auditor General was advised by the Food Storage & Prevention of Infestation Division (FSPID) that budgetary constraints impacted its ability to undertake major activities such as inspection of food storage facilities and follow-up visits to facilities in the instances where infractions were identified during FSPID’s inspections. FSPID issues certificates that are valid for one year, and is required to carry out routine inspections during the course of the year to monitor whether food storage practices continue to be safe.

However, the Auditor General noted that entities were revisited mainly on or before the expiration of their certificates, rather than throughout the year. FSPID did not meet its targeted number of inspections for the 2014/2015 period, with an under-performance of as high as 1,061 less inspection than target, in the third quarter.

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Permanent Secretary (current): Dermon Spence

Breach Category: Project Management

Permanent Secretary (at breach): Donovan Stanberry

Breach Type: Ineffective Monitoring of Regulated Entities

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