Early Childhood Commission

The Early Childhood Commission (ECC) was established by the Early Childhood Commission Act (2003), in keeping with the strategic goal of the Government of Jamaica to improve the quality of early childhood care, education and development within the early childhood sector.

The ECC, which is an agency of the Ministry of Education, coordinates all activities, development plans and programmes within the early childhood sector. This integrated approach is critical, as it serves to reduce fragmentation and duplication and has placed under one institutional umbrella, the regulations, standards and policies which govern the sector.

Functions of the Early Childhood Commission

  • Advising the Minister on policy matters relating to early childhood care, education and development in Jamaica, including initiatives and actions to achieve national early childhood development goals.
  • Assisting in the preparation of plans and programmes concerning early childhood development.
  • Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the plans and programmes concerning early childhood development.
  • Coordinating all activities relating to early childhood development.
  • Supervising and regulating early childhood institutions.
  • Convening consultations with relevant stakeholders as appropriate.
  • Analyzing the resource needs and submit recommendations for budgetary allocations for early childhood development.
  • Identifying alternative financing through negotiation with donor agencies and liaising with such agencies to ensure the effective and efficient use of donor funds.
  • Conducting research on early childhood development.